Nature Monuments in Suriname
Suriname has an outstanding conservation system that ranks among the best in South Americ. Nature conservation activities are rooted in the Dutch tradition. Suriname’s strong tradition of nature conservation, its protection of biodiversity, and its preservation of primary tropical forest is evidenced by a nature conservation system comprising 15 protected areas.
STINASU, the Foundation for Nature Conservation in Suriname, is the only authorized national nature protection organization, whose main objective is the promotion of nature research, nature conservation, education and eco-tourism.

Brownsberg Nature Park is located in the Brokopondo district, 130kms south of the capital Paramaribo. From the central montain plateau there is a magnificent view of the artificial storage lake created by the Affobaka dam. Through the rainforest, well-maintained hiking trails lead to many different waterfalls. Wild troops of red howler monkeys ara a popular attraction at this park. Within the park, STINASU recently created a special orchid garden to show off the many brilliant species found there.
As part of the Guiana Shield, which itself is between the Orinoco and Amazon basins, this area is one of the oldest geological formations in the world. In November 2000, the Central Suriname Nature Reserve was placed on the Wolrd Nature Heritage list of the UNESCO. It consists of 1.6 mio gectares and is the most oristine and uninhabited river system and rainforest in the world. According to UNESCO, the abundant and unique biodiversity of this rainforest is of great significance for humankind. As such, it is referred to as one of the world’s most valuable places. An amazing and rare bird, the Cock-of-the-Rock is commonly found in this Raleighvallen area.
The Galibi Nature Reserve is situated in the northeast corner of Suriname, bordering French Guiana. Four endangered seaturtles species nest on these beaches between February and August. These species are:
The Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), with a length of 1.80m and a weight from 300 to 600kg. (nesting March to July)
The Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) with a length of 1.20m and a weight of approx. 200kg. (nesting February to July)

The Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) with a length of 69cms and a weight of 35-50kgs is the smallest sea-turtle, which comes to Suriname. (nesting May to July partially in groups)
The Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) rarely seen, only about 25 nests per year in the months from May to July.
The beaches at the Galibi Nature Reserve are the only ones where mass nesting aggregations of the Olive Ridley are known to have occured in the Atlantic region. With the support of international nature conservation organizations, STINASU built a lodge and several research facilities. Ecotourism to Galibi have increased, benefiting local communties through increased jibs. The Galibi Nature Reserve and its nearby Amerindian Village can be visited only by boat.